La leyenda de las vikingas y su viaje a las aguas del gran dios serpiente 1957

Action Adventure Fantasy Horror

A group of lonely Viking women build a ship and set off across the sea to locate their missing menfolk, only to fall into the clutches of the barbarians that also hold their men captive. ...

Tous les titres
  • US: The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent
  • IT: La leggenda vichinga La leggenda vichinga
  • MX: La serpiente del averno La serpiente del averno
  • RS: Saga o vikinškim ženama i njihovom putovanju do voda Velike morske zmije Saga o vikinškim ženama i njihovom putovanju do voda Velike morske zmije
  • US: Сага о женщинах-викингах и об их путешествии по водам Великого Змеиного Моря Сага о женщинах-викингах и об их путешествии по водам Великого Змеиного Моря
  • ES: Las mujeres vikingo y la serpiente del mar Las mujeres vikingo y la serpiente del mar
  • UA: Viking Women Viking Women
  • US: Viking Women Viking Women
  • US: The Voyage of the Viking Women to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent The Voyage of the Viking Women to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent
  • US: Viking Women and the Sea Serpent Viking Women and the Sea Serpent
  • : The Saga of the Viking The Saga of the Viking
  • : Undersea Monster Undersea Monster
  • : The Viking Women and the Sea Serpent The Viking Women and the Sea Serpent
Date de sortie 05 Dec 1957
Lien IMDb
